You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Retail Agent Access General Configuration > Retail Agent Access Main Menu

Retail Agent Access Main Menu

The retail agent access main menu controls the primary features that agents can access through the retail agent access portal.

To Set Up Main Menu Features

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. In the Setup Console, click Retail Agent Access. Brief reference material is displayed.
  3. In the Setup Console, click Configuration > Main Menu. The retail agent access Attachments screen is displayed.

  1. In the Setup Console, click Attachments. The following options are available on the Attachments screen:

On the Attachments screen, selections are available to determine to whom and what type of notification is sent regarding client activity on the Attachments screen. Nexsure will create a notification if any of the following are true:

Note: A notification will always be sent to a staff member. Once a role is selected for notification, if there is no staff member assigned to that role a notification will go to the primary assignment even if no notifications were selected for that role. For example, an account manager is set up to receive notification but there is no account manager for the agency. In this case, a notification will be sent to the primary assignment even though no notification was set up for them.


Click Cancel to exit the Add Recipient dialog box without saving selections.

  1. In the Setup Console, click Announcements. The following options are available on the Announcements screen:

An Announcements area may be added to the portal if the agency chooses to add announcements. If displayed, this area can be used to hold announcements or messages from the agency. The announcement can be a link to an existing Web site or a pop-up message may be displayed giving information from the agency.

  1. On the Announcements summary screen there are several options:
  2. Details: Click the Details icon to edit an existing announcement.
  3. Title: The title of the announcement that will be displayed in the portal under the Announcements section.
  4. Message / URL: Either the message that will be displayed in the pop-up announcement or the URL to which the announcement link in the portal is directed.
  5. Classification: A will be displayed if the announcement is available for agents with specific classifications. An is displayed if the announcement is not limited by classifications and is available for all agents. The Classifications are selected when adding a new announcement or editing an existing announcement.
  6. Status: A will be displayed if the status of the announcement is Enabled for agents. An is displayed if the announcement is not Enabled for clients.
  7. Remove: The Remove icon can be clicked to delete the announcement permanently. If the announcement may be used again at a later time, remove the Enabled selection in the announcement rather than deleting the announcement. If the announcement will never be used again, deleting is a good option.
  8. On the Announcements screen, click [Add New]. The Add Announcement screen is displayed.

  1. Select one of the following options to determine what kind of display type will be used for the announcement:
  1. Title: Enter the title of the message. This title will be displayed on the menu of the retail agent access system under Announcements.
  2. Announcement Message: Enter the message to be displayed in the pop-up window. There is no limit on the number of characters allowed in this box. A scroll bar will become available when the number of characters exceeds the box size.
  3. Status: Select Enabled if the announcement is to be displayed on the retail agent access screen. Clear the check box if the announcement is not to be displayed to the agent at this time.
  1. Title: Enter the title of the message. This title will be displayed on the menu of the retail agent access system under Announcements.
  2. Redirect URL: Enter the URL to which the client will be connected upon clicking the associated title in the retail agent access system.
  1. Test URL: Click Test URL to test the link.
  2. Status: Select Enabled if the announcement is to be displayed on the retail agent access screen. Clear the check box if the announcement is not to be displayed to the retail agent at this time.
  1. After all selections have been made on the Add Announcement screen, click Save. The new announcement is saved and is displayed on the Announcements screen. Announcements can be removed by clicking the Remove icon or the announcement can be disabled by clicking the Details icon and removing the Status > Enabled selection. Disabling an announcement is recommended vs. removing if the announcement will be used again at a later date.


Click Cancel to exit the screen without saving any selections.

  1. In the Setup Console, click Resource Center. The following options are available on the Resource Center screen:

A Resource Center area may be added to the portal if the agency chooses to add links to Web sites.

  1. On the Resource Center summary screen there are several options:
  2. Details: Click the Details icon to edit an existing resource center item.
  3. Title: The title of the resource that will be displayed in the portal under the Resource Center section.
  4. URL: The URL to which the Resource Center link in the portal is directed.
  5. Classification: A will be displayed if the resource is available for agents with specific classifications. An is displayed if the resource is not limited by classifications and is available for all agents. The Classifications are selected when adding a new resource or editing an existing resource.
  6. Status: A will be displayed if the status of the resource is Enabled for agents. An is displayed if the resource is not Enabled for agents.
  7. Remove: The Remove icon can be clicked to delete the resource permanently. If the resource may be used again at a later time, remove the Enabled selection in the resource rather than deleting the resource. If the resource will never be used again, deleting is a good option.
  1. On the Resource Center screen, click [Add New]. The Add Resource screen is displayed.

  1. Enter the following information to add resources:
  1. Status: Select Enabled if the resource is to be displayed on the retail agent access screen. Clear the check box if the resource is not to be displayed to the agent at this time.
  1. After all selections have been made on the Add Resource screen, click Save. The new resource is saved and is displayed on the Resource Center screen. Resources can be removed by clicking the Remove icon or the resource can be disabled by clicking the Details icon and removing the Status > Enabled selection. Disabling a resource is recommended vs. removing if the resource will be used again at a later date.


Click Cancel to exit the screen without saving any selections.

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